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Our publications reflect our commitment to understanding human-wildlife conflicts. The focus is diverse, yet aligned with our expertise in wildlife management.

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Manuscripts In Print                                 


Amor, J. M., R. Newman, W. F. Jensen, B. C. Rundquist, W. D. Walter, and J. R. Boulanger. 2019. Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herds in North Dakota. PLoS ONE 14:e0211650.

Anderson, A., C. Lindell, K. M. Moxcey, B. Siemer, G. M. Linz, P. Curtis, J. Carroll, C. Burrows, J. Boulanger, K. Steensma, and S. A. Shwiff. 2013. Bird damage to select fruit crops: The cost of damage and the benefits of control in five states. Crop Protection 52:103–109.

Bertrand, M. R., A. J. DeNicola, S. R. Beissinger, and R. K. Swihart. 1996.  Effects of parturition on home-ranges and social affiliations of female white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:899–909.

Black, K. E., W. F. Jensen, R. A. Newman, and J. R. Boulanger. 2018. Motivations and satisfaction of North Dakota deer hunters during a temporal decline in deer populations. Human-Wildlife Interactions 12:427–443.


Blossey, B., P. D. Curtis, J. R. Boulanger, and A. Davalos. 2019. Red oak seedlings as bioindicators to assess browsing pressure and efficacy of white-tailed deer  management. Ecology and Evolution 9:13085–13103.

Boesch, J. M., J. R. Boulanger, P. D. Curtis, H. N. Erb, J. W. Ludders, M. S. Kraus, and R. D. Gleed. 2011. Biochemical variables in free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) after chemical immobilization in clover traps or via ground-darting. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42:18–21.


Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D. Curtis, D. H. Lein, and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2008. Comparison of vaccine distribution strategies to control raccoon rabies in a suburban landscape. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:1014–1023.


Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D. Curtis, D. H. Lein, and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2008. Evaluation of an oral rabies vaccination program to control raccoon rabies in a suburbanized landscape. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 2:212–224.


Boulanger, J. R., L. L. Bigler, P. D. Curtis, D. H. Lein, and A. J. Lembo, Jr. 2006. A PVC bait station for dispensing rabies vaccine to raccoons in suburban landscapes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:1206–1211.

Boulanger, J. R., and P. D. Curtis. 2016. Efficacy of surgical sterilization for managing overabundant suburban white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:727–735.

Boulanger, J. R., P. D. Curtis, and M. L. Ashdown. 2009. Integrating lethal and non-lethal approaches for management of suburban deer. Pages 60–67 in J. R. Boulanger, editor. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Wildlife Damage Management Conference. The Wildlife Damage Management Working Group of The Wildlife Society, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA.

Boulanger, J. R., P. D. Curtis, E. G. Cooch, and A. J. DeNicola. 2012. Sterilization as an alternative deer control technique. Human-­‐Wildlife Interactions. 6:273-­‐ 282.

Boulanger, J. R., D. E. Hubbard, J. E. Jenks, and L. M. Gigliotti. 2002. Equipment, skills, and success of South Dakota archery deer hunters. Pages 86–94 in R. J. Warren, editor. Proceedings of the First National Bowhunting Conference. Archery Manufacturers and Merchants Organization, Comfrey, Minnesota, USA.

Boulanger, J. R., D. E. Hubbard, J. E. Jenks, and L. M. Gigliotti. 2006. A typology of South Dakota muzzleloader deer hunters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:691– 697.

Boulanger, J. R., G. R. Goff, and P. D. Curtis. 2012. Use of “earn-a-buck” hunting to manage local deer overabundance. Northeastern Naturalist 19:159–172.


Cleveland, C. A., A. DeNicola, J. P. Dubey, D. E. Hill, R. D. Berghaus, and M. J. Yabsley. 2017. Survey for select pathogens in wild pigs (Sus scrofa) from Guam, Marianna Islands, USA. Veterinary Microbiology 205:22–25.


Cleveland, C. A., Swanepoel, L., Box, E. K., DeNicola, A., and M. J. Yabsley. 2019. Rickettsia species in ticks collected from wild pigs (Sus scrofa) and Philippine deer (Rusa marianna) on Guam, Marianna Islands, USA. Acta Tropica 194:89–92.

Curtis, P. D., and J. R. Boulanger. 2010. Relative effectiveness of repellents for preventing deer damage to Japanese yews. HortTechnology 20:730–734.

Curtis, P. D., B. Boldgiv, P. M. Mattison, and J. R. Boulanger. 2009. Estimating deer abundance in suburban areas with infrared-triggered cameras. Human- Wildlife Conflicts 3:116–128.


Daniels, T. J., R. C. Falco, E. E. McHugh, J. Vellozzi, T. Boccia, A. J. DeNicola, J. M. Pound, J. A. Miller, J. E. George, and D. Fish. 2009. Acaricidal treatment of white-tailed deer to control  Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in a New York Lyme disease-­‐endemic community. Vector-­‐Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 9:381–­387.


DeNicola, A. J., D. Etter, and T. Almendinger. 2008. Demographics of non-hunted white-tailed deer populations in suburban areas. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 2:102–109.


DeNicola, A. J., and V. L. DeNicola. 2021. Ovariectomy as a management for suburban deer populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:445–455.


DeNicola, A. J., D. J. Kesler, and R. K. Swihart. 1997. Dose determination and efficacy of remotely delivered norgestomet implants on contraception in white-tailed deer. Zoo Biology 16:31–37.


DeNicola, A. J., D. J. Kesler, and R. K. Swihart. 1997. Remotely delivered prostaglandin F2a implants terminate pregnancy in white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:527–531.


DeNicola, A. J., and R. K. Swihart. 1997. Capture-induced stress in white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:500–503.


DeNicola, A. J., R. K. Swihart, and S. R. Beissinger. 1992. Testing secondary metabolites of plants as deer repellents. Transactions of the Northeast Section of the Wildlife Society 48:120–125.


DeNicola, A. J., D. J. Kesler, and R. K. Swihart. 1996. Ballistics of a bio bullet delivery system. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:301–305.


DeNicola A. J., D. S. Miller, V. L. DeNicola, R. E. Meyer, and J. Gambino. 2019. Assessment of humaneness using gunshot targeting the brain and cervical spine for cervid depopulation under field conditions. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0213200.


DeNicola, A. J., R. K. Swihart, and D. J. Kesler. 1996. The effect of remotely delivered gonadotropin formulations on reproductive function of white-tailed deer. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 22:847–850.


DeNicola, A. J., K. C. VerCauteren, P. D. Curtis and S. E. Hyngstrom. 2000. Managing white-tailed deer in suburban environments: A technical guide. Cornell. Cooperative Extension, Cornell University. 52pp.


DeNicola, A. J., S. J. Weber, C. A. Bridges, and J. L. Stokes. 1997. Nontraditional techniques for management of overabundant deer populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:496–499.


DeNicola, A. J., and S. C. Williams. 2008. Sharpshooting suburban white-tailed deer reduces deer-vehicle collisions. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 2:28–33.

Elser, J. L., C. A. Lindell, K. M. M. Steensma, P. D. Curtis, D. K. Leigh, W. F. Siemer, J. R. Boulanger, and S. A. Shwiff. 2019. Measuring bird damage to three fruit crops: a comparison of grower and field estimates. Crop Protection 123:1–4.

Evans, C. S., DeNicola, A. J., Eisemann, J. D., Eckery, D. C., and R. J. Warren. 2015. Administering GonaConTM to white-tailed deer via hand-injection vs. syringe- dart. Human-Wildlife Interactions 9:265-272.


Evans, C. S., DeNicola, A. J., and R. J. Warren. 2016. Immunocontraceptive vaccines or surgical sterilization for deer? A question of effort and efficacy. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:593–598.


Gagnier, G., I. Laurion, and A. J. DeNicola. 2020. Control and Surveillance Operations to Prevent Chronic Wasting Disease Establishment in Free-Ranging White-Tailed Deer in Québec, Canada. Animals 10:283; doi:10.3390/ani10020283.


Gigliotti, L. M., J. R. Boulanger, D. E. Hubbard, and J. A. Jenks. 2002. Using human dimensions information to address archery deer hunting issues. Pages 117– 125 in R. J. Warren, editor. Proceedings of the First National Bowhunting Conference. Archery Manufacturers and Merchants Organization, Comfrey, Minnesota, USA.

Gionfriddo, J. P., A. J. DeNicola, L. A. Miller, and K. A. Fagerstone. 2011. Efficacy of GnRH immunocontraception of wild white-­‐tailed deer in New Jersey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:142–148.


Gionfriddo, J. P., A. J. DeNicola, L. A. Miller, and K. A. Fagerstone. 2011. Health effects of GnRH immunocontraception of wild white-­tailed deer in New Jersey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:149–160.

Hampton, J. O., J. M. Arnemo, R. Barnsley, M. Cattet, P. Daoust, A. J. DeNicola, G. Eccles, D. Fletcher, L. Hinds, R. Hunt, T. Portas, S. Stokke, B. Warburton, and C. Wimpenny. 2021. Animal welfare testing for shooting and darting free-ranging wildlife: a review and recommendations. Wildlife Research 48:577–589.


Hampton, J. O., D. M. Forsyth, and A. J. DeNicola. 2020. Assessment of lead-free .22 LR bullets for shooting European rabbits. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:760- 765.

Hannay, M. B., J. R. Boulanger, P. D. Curtis, R. A. Eaton, B. C. Hawes, D. K. Leigh, C. A. Rossetti, K. M. Steensma, and C. A. Lindell. 2019. Bird species and abundances in fruit crops and implications for bird management. Crop Protection 120:43–49.


Hanson, C. C., T. J. Hall, A. J. DeNicola, S. Silander, B. S. Keitt, and K. J. Campbell. 2019. Rhesus macaque eradication to restore the ecological integrity of Desecheo National Wildlife Refuge, Puerto Rico. In C. R. Veitch, M. N. Clout, A. R. Martin, J. C. Russell and C. J. West (eds.). Island invasives: scaling up to meet the challenge, pp. 249–255. Occasional Paper SSC no. 62. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

Kalinowski, E. J., C. J. Parent, R. Newman, and J. R. Boulanger. 2022. A comparison of mixed-mode survey designs for collecting deer and turkey harvest data in North Dakota. Wildlife Society Bulletin DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1304.


Kenny, D. E., A. J. DeNicola, S. Amgalanbaatar, Z. Namshir, G. Wingard, and R.P. Reading. 2008. Successful field capture techniques for free-ranging argali sheep (Ovis ammon) in Mongolia. Zoo Biology 27:137–144.


Kesler, D. J., D. T. Bechtol, and A. J. DeNicola. 1998. Administration of pharmaceuticals and vaccines via remote delivery in biodegradable, needle-less implants. Large Animal Practice 19:22–27.


Kilpatrick, H. J., A. J. DeNicola, and M. E. Ellingwood. 1996. Comparison of standard and transmitter-equipped darts for capturing white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:306-310.


Kilpatrick, H. J., S. M. Spohr, and A. J. DeNicola. 1997. Darting urban deer: techniques and technology. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:542–545.

LaFond, L. R., B. J. Darby, J. R. Boulanger, and K. A. Yurkonis. 2023. Small mammals of a northern salt-affected grassland. Mammalia


Lindell, C., S. A. Shwiff, P. D. Curtis, P. H. Howard, K. M. Steensma, G. M. Linz, J. R. Boulanger, N. L. Rothwell, J. E. Carroll, C. Oh, C. L. Burrows, M. A. Longstroth, C. Kaiser, D. P. Lusch, S. L. Wieferich, H. M. Henrichs, D. Leigh, M. E. Shave, R. A. Eaton, Z. B. Herrnstadt, and A. M. Anderson. 2014. Bird management in fruit crops: economic, consumer, and biological perspectives. HortScience 49:S159–S160.

Lindell, C. A., K. S. Steensma, P. D. Curtis, J. R. Boulanger, J. E. Carroll, C. Burrows, D. P. Lusch, N. L. Rothwell, S. L. Wieferich, H. M. Henrichs, D. K. Leigh, R. A. Eaton, and G. M. Linz. 2016. Proportions of bird damage in tree fruits are higher in low fruit abundance contexts. Crop Protection 90:40–48.

Magnarelli, L. A., A. J. DeNicola, K. C. Stafford III, and J. F. Anderson. 1995. Borrelia Burgdorferi in an urban environment: white-tailed deer with infected ticks and antibodies. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33:541–544.


Mehrpad, S., C. A. Cleveland, A. J. DeNicola, J. P. Dubey, and M. J. Yabsley. 2018. Survey for select pathogens in Philippine deer (Rusa marianna) from Guam, Marianna Islands, USA.  Veterinary Parasitology 11:36–40.


Morrison, S. A., A. J. DeNicola, K. Walker, D. Dewey, L. Laughrin, R. Wolstenholme, and N. Macdonald. 2014. An irruption interrupted: Eradication of wild turkey from Santa Cruz Island, California. Oryx 50:121–127.


O’Donnell, M. A., and A. J.  DeNicola. 2006. Den site selection of lactating female raccoons following removal and exclusion from suburban residences.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:366–370.


Reading R. P., S. Amgalanbaatar, D. Kenny, A. J. DeNicola, and E. Tuguldur. 2007. Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) home ranges in Ikh Nart Nature Reserve, Mongolia: Preliminary Findings. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 5:29–36.


Reading, R. P., S. Amgalanbaatar, D. Kenny, Yo. Onon, Z. Namshir, and A. DeNicola.  2003.  Argali ecology in Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve: Preliminary Findings.  Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 1:3–14.


Reading, R. P., S. Amgalanbaatar, G. J. Wingard, D. Kenny, and A. DeNicola. 2005. Ecology of argali in Ikh Nartiin Chuluu, Dornogobi Aimag. Erforschung Biologischer Resourcen der Mongolei (Halle/Saale) 9:77–89.


Reading, R.P., D. Kenny, S. Amgalanbaatar, A. J. DeNicola, and G. Wingard. 2009. Argali Lamb (Ovis ammon) morphometric measurements and survivorship in Mongolia. Mammalia. 73:98–104.  

Schneider, A. L., A. T. Gilbert, W. D. Walter, G. S. Vandeberg, and J. R. Boulanger. 2019. Spatial ecology of urban striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Northern Great Plains: a framework for future oral rabies vaccination programs. Urban Ecosystems 22:539–552.


Stafford, K. C., III, A. J. DeNicola, and L. A. Magnarelli. 1996. Presence of Ixodiphagus hookeri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in two Connecticut populations of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 33:183–188.


Stafford, K. C., III, A. J. DeNicola, J. M. Pound, J. A. Miller, and J. E. George. 2006. Topical treatment of white-tailed deer with an acaricide for the control of   Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in a Connecticut Lyme borreliosis hyperendemic community. Vector Borne Zoonotic Diseases 9:371–379.


Stafford, K. C., III, A. J. DeNicola, and H. J. Kilpatrick. 2003. Reduced abundance of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) and the tick parasitoid Ixodiphagus hookeri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) with reduction of white- tailed deer. Journal of Medical Entomology 40:642–652.


Swihart, R. K., and A. J. DeNicola. 1995. Modeling the impacts of contraceptives on populations of white-tailed deer. Pages 151-163 in J. McAninch, ed. Urban deer - a manageable resource? North Central Chapter of The Wildlife Society.


Swihart, R. K., and A. J. DeNicola. 1997. Public involvement, science, management, and the overabundance of deer: Can we avoid a hostage crisis? Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:382–387.


Swihart, R. K., P. M. Picone, A. J. DeNicola, and L. Cornicelli. 1995. Ecology of urban and suburban white-tailed deer. Pages 35-44 in J. McAninch, ed. Urban deer - a manageable resource? North Central Chapter of The Wildlife Society.


Swihart, R. K., H.P. Weeks, Jr., A.L. Easter-Pilcher, and A. J. DeNicola. 1998. Nutritional condition and fertility of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from areas with contrasting histories of hunting. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76:1932–1941.


Tufts, D. M., M. C. VanAcker, M. P. Fernandez, A. DeNicola, A. Egizi, and M. Diuk-Wasser. 2019. Emergence of Haemaphysalis longicornis on Staten Island, NY: tick distribution, host-seeking phenology, host, and habitat associations. Emerging Infectious Diseases 25:792–796.

Vandegrift, K. J., M. Yon, M. Surendran-Nair, A. Gontu, S. Ramasamy, S. Amirthalingam, S. Neerukonda, R. Nissly, S. K. Chothe, P. Jakka, L. LaBella, N. Levin, S. Rodriguez, Chen Chen, V. Sheersh Boorla, T. Stuber, J. R. Boulanger, N. Kotschwar, S. Grimké-Aucoin, R. Simon, K. L. Toal, R. J. Olsen, J. J. Davis, D. Bold, N. Gaudreault, K. Dinali Perera, Y. Kim, K.-O. Chang, C. D. Maranas, J. A. Richt, J. M. Musser, P. J. Hudson, V. Kapur , and S. Kuchipudi. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (B.1.1.529) infection of wild white-tailed deer in New York City. Viruses 14:2770.

Williams S. C., and A. J. DeNicola. 2001. Spatial movements in response to baiting female white-tailed deer. Proceedings of the Ninth Wildlife Damage Management Conference. State College, Pennsylvania.


Williams S. C., and A. J. DeNicola. 2005. Home range increase of lactating female white-tailed deer following herd reduction. Northeast Wildlife 57:29–38.


Williams, S. C., A. J. DeNicola, T. Almendinger, and J. Maddock. 2013. Evaluation of organized hunting as a management technique for overabundant white-­‐ tailed deer in suburban landscapes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:137–145.


Williams, S. C., A. J. DeNicola, and I. M. Ortega. 2008. Behavioral responses of white-tailed deer subjected to lethal management. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:1358–1366. 


Williams, S. C., M. A. Linske, A. J. DeNicola, V. L. DeNicola, and J. R. Boulanger. 2023. Experimental oral delivery of the systemic acaricide moxidectin to free- ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) parasitized by Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology

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